Use this drop down to tell us how you will be supplying Art.
The way you supply art influences the price of your project.
Description of options:
I will supply PDFs
This is the recommended method for supplying art files. Print ready PDF's will not incur any additional charges. Please make sure to follow the 5 guidelines located in the "Art file Help" section. If your files are not print ready they will need to be fixed. You will be given the option to fix them yourself and upload art later or continue with uploading and let us fix them for $35.
Design it for Us
Our designers are some of the best around. At $35 per hour which is well below the industry average, we encourage our customers to let us do the design work for them. Leave it to the professionals to do the work for you and you end up with a professional image. Each product in this Price Calculator has its own set design cost, based on the average amount of time it takes to complete that type of design project. If you choose this option you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding your needs for the design. This questionnaire will allow you to upload supporting images and supporting documents to help instruct us how to best design your project. The questionnaire will cover topics such as: Logo, Color Scheme, Style, Font Preferences, Supporting Images, Text Content / Verbage, Layout…
I will supply Illustrator Files
Illustrator files are perfect for printing. Although we prefer PDFs, Illustrator files work perfectly as well. If the files are print ready they will not incur any additional charges. If your files are not print ready they will need to be fixed. You will be given the option to fix them yourself and upload art later or continue with uploading and let us fix them for $35.
I will supply InDesign Files
InDesign files are also perfect for printing. Although we prefer PDF's, print ready InDesign Files will not incur any additional charges. If your files are not print ready they will need to be fixed. You will be given the option to fix them yourself and upload art later or continue with uploading and let us fix them for $35.
I will supply Photoshop Files
Photoshop files are perfect for printing. Although we prefer PDF's, print ready Photoshop Files will not incur any additional charges. If your files are not print ready they will need to be fixed. You will be given the option to fix them yourself and upload art later or continue with uploading and let us fix them for $35.
I will supply Corel Draw Files
Corel Draw files are discouraged. However, we do accept Corel Draw files and if they are print ready they will not incur any additional charges. Please make sure to review the 5 guidelines located in the "Art file Help" section. If your files are not print ready they will need to be fixed. You will be given the option to fix them yourself and upload art later or continue with uploading and let us fix them for $35.
I will supply Quark Express Files
Quark Express files are discouraged. However, we do accept Quark Express files and if they are print ready they will not incur any additional charges. Please make sure to review the 5 guidelines located in the "Art file Help" section. If your files are not print ready they will need to be fixed. You will be given the option to fix them yourself and upload art later or continue with uploading and let us fix them for $35.
I will supply Jpeg Files
Jpeg files are discouraged. However, we do accept Jpeg files and if they are print ready they will not incur any additional charges. Please make sure to review the 5 guidelines located in the "Art file Help" section. If your files are not print ready they will need to be fixed. You will be given the option to fix them yourself and upload art later or continue with uploading and let us fix them for $35.
I will supply Tiff Files
Tiff files are discouraged. However, we do accept Tiff files and if they are print ready they will not incur any additional charges. Please make sure to review the 5 guidelines located in the "Art file Help" section. If your files are not print ready they will need to be fixed. You will be given the option to fix them yourself and upload art later or continue with uploading and let us fix them for $35.
I will supply a Word Document
Word Document files are strongly discouraged. Word Document files will incur a $35 set-up fee.
I will supply an Excel Spreadsheet
Excel Spreadsheet files are strongly discouraged. Excel Spreadsheet files will incur a $35 set-up fee.