Getting Your Printed Materials is Easy...
Login or Register Online (Create an Account)
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Create an Account
Existing Customers:
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Add Items to your Shopping Cart and Confirm
Choose a product (i.e. Business Cards) from the left had side Product Menu.
Go to the "Price calculator" on the right hand side and customize your printed piece by using the drop downs to select the proper paper, color, quantity and other options.
Click "Add to Cart >".
You are now in the "Shopping Cart".
Use the "Copy Item" button to duplicate that same item. Use the "Add Item" button to go back to the "Price Calculator" and select an additional item to add to this order.
Click "Check Out"
Shipping Information & Billing Information
Shipping: Accept the Terms of Service. Enter, Edit or Select the correct shipping Address. Split shipments are available by clicking on the "Split" button under the Quantity. Select your desired Method of shipment or pickup.
Referrals: After you complete the shipping details, you may participate in our referral program by entering referral emails. This automatically gives you a discount on your order.
Billing: Complete the appropriate billing information.
Confirm Order / Order Complete
Please confirm that all of the details of your order are correct and before continuing.
Upload Art Files or Give Design Instructions
If you will be supplying your own files the website will ask you to:
A). Upload and Preview Art
B). Attach Files
(This step can be skipped and completed at a later time.)
If you want us to create a design for you the website will ask you to:
Give your Design Instructions. (This step can be skipped and completed at a later time.)
This is the last step in the ordering process. Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions or need any additional help.